Tuesday 21 August 2012

Special aid gifts to go out to the childrens dpartment kingston hospital, kingston upon thames', gifts to be allocated and redirected to a known nurse who lost her career as a direct consequence of giving birth to disabled children Patsy moore otherwise known as, private information to be kept inwards away fromm public disclosures, to be shared in distributions', of allocated funds', the estate, kingslimpton needs regenerations for children without hope and or change, furthering away from communal and or towns center. Vassel road, would like reinburstments of lost business, or investments', to improve the conditions for poorer members of society, it has been suggested that liverpool football team be brought back.......as this area is a fan base for liverpoolians', that have taken a downturn of investments since the loss of their and or failing team. The promotion would their after be the kind transferre of afew major players out of sponsorship untill the club gets back on its feet. It will be a fund raising sponsorship, on a years contract with training for the lower players that have lost skill , agilities, tactics and investments over the years', special contracts of transferres' would be reserved for reinburstments of lost fan #ships and regenerations for the area for the p#children that are less fortunate/

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