Sunday 19 August 2012

The cutters in hastings', gifts to be sent to friends and associates of dermott cox for the loss of his life and tax examptions due to the circumstance of the ian brady and maria hindley case files. Thank you. Can we have supportive networks rehabillitations and a rehousing for him on my raised funds that some king fund raising has out ASIDE FOR ME IN A RESERVED ACCOUNT FOR THESE PEOPLE AND ASSOCIATES OF THIS UNFORTUNATE CIRUMSTANCE. Can I have love and endearment cards with huggs and lemon and or other flavour of their choice, icecream sent to my sons', my two sets of nephews and a niece. And a big hugg to Vicky for her patience in these and or with this personal family matters'. She must know, we are working hard people not interested in monetry gains', rather religous matters of continual slow practice are more important to us. And that will be three kisses'

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