Friday 24 August 2012

Tony Farmer A basket-ball player accused of holding his young and youthful girl friend hostage. Defence calls' disagreement of idealisms' of what the word hostage circumstance is defined as. Facts of circumstance Youth love fights Constitutes' of the following outline and or picture Common amoungst love couples in early years Disputes of heated moments' With holding car keys', a normal common address for any disputing couple Sending hate texts and disliked wording after disputes of natures concerning another person who may have instigated partner slang of abuses' A common address amoungst the all couples and youth, hardly constities' a claim to assault of hosting taking. Standing in fromt of the door, not allowing phone usage and or contact, in relation to personal circumstance of an accusation that the man charged with such an account may have been accused his girl friend and or spouse of and or she may have accused him of sexual advances towards other ladies that may have resulted in her claiming to leave him once and for all. Eye contacting and other male behaviours constitute male ego and pride, even to the point of stating to the partner and or spouse with a form of mental annoyance the ability to catch other young attractive ladies attentions'. Rather 90% of spouse related disputes' of this kind end up in the courts of law, rather they are dealt with and usually repaired within two to three days of the dispute taking place, and that the only reason why this came to court, is that another third part from a fellow sponsorship team may have ordered a discredit to tony farmers career. With no previous its hardly a case even for conciderations'. Facts of career deployment tactics to distroy any up and coming sponsored player has been seen time and time again, with women used as chess board players of porn move strikes' against any potential enthusiast to enhancements of lifestyle and credits to rehouse and take family members out of backstreet living and potential drug related up bringings'. Tony Farmer, worked hard to win a place on a all star county team, training since early youth, working hard, with good sound reputation, keeping mostly good company apart from the odd dispute with members of other community basket ball players' who may have fallen into disputes about tactical play and such and such of what is a common nature in team play, I think

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