Monday 24 September 2012

I would like to write about the Hindo Invasion of Great Britain, France, and America.

It is with an SOS message that the Hindo population are planing a seige on France, Great Britain, and America!

In that , their faith community have taken 50% of all allocated businesses', acrss the three nations', they are not investing in their own poor communties of country files of plans and nature regrowth of wealth and orphans', rather they are wealth accumalating every pence, ready for three generations' of the black-death, weight problematics of the last two generations' of range age otherein 30 years to 50 years and old age range from 60 to 80 years, all dying within the next 10 to 20 years' at estimated statistics, at a national rate of  more then 60% and more plus other, of the over-all population across these three countering countries', in that, the Hindos' are planning to invest all their earnnnings of national savings to invest in higher gaining properties and the free property market of rights to obtain houses and deeds without even spending  on ownerships'.

Correct me if I am wrong, but  they own 50% of the national business without funding their own poor, whereby we are asked on a continual bases to give money to the helpless women who are having twenty babies per family, who are comsumming over 2000 years worth of food in one unit of family, per family. Thats' alot of free aid from us...This will induce an influx of Hindo migrants who are awaiting to take over all the empty houses of death related disorders' and more.

So what are they doing with all their weath accumalations of funds'?

I believe it is some kind of revenge tactic on the west for the Muslim ,Britiah and Soth African colinisation of India.

This renvenge tactic out weighs all previous war invasions.

Suggesting war on areas of high birth rates' and poverty lines' is not my Job, rather, it has been suggested that, all countries have been hit by war vices because of population growth, without restictments'. There are some muslims that live amoung these people, it is with advice that we pull them out.

Muslims are own for their ability to genrate wealth enough to fees their own families', restrict birth rates' when not affordable, give huge amounts of aid and charity  for people who have been inflicted with greator national problematics' from other faith communities'.

Turkish Muslims' are extreme business people, and you will  see them investing in all communites that
  live amoungst.

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