Wednesday 10 October 2012

Like I said, under Islamic Sharia, I  dont need to reinburst anyone of these people, and rather they are begging.

Can I please reinburst one Christian Lady for 1/2 of two (3) rds' , in christmas gifts' and easter gifts' for nineteen years'.

Can I pay for one brown or black child to have hair relaxing cuts' for nineteen years'.

Can I have authorisation from my two mahrams', one by blood and the other by marital ties' to repay these, as a kind  request from the pennies raised from my multi trillion pound business', that I claim no rights over, rather all my affairs go through my two mahram's , one by blood and the other by marital ties'.

Please can I pay for bonfire nights', at one location, for one small multi cultural community for the period of nineteen years'.

Please can I reinburst ine foster family with frozen meats from nineteen years'.

As for books that have already gone out, it was a mistake because the islamic advisors were poor in thought, and any further issues need to be licenced under cover bondships' with free distributions' of bookletts inside of Qurannic values'.

Wa fy Ketaab, mohada hanut, smheli umbad fy alimeets' nahnu fy dunya, wb islamia kutbas' jumma, fy miskeena w fy thkr Allah Sub Hanna Wa Ta Al'lal, wa ketaabs' umbaad doka fard hallal tahta ya-diki,wa islamia sharia attoni zakat w qurannic iqra ketaabs', ma'a okaridge dahhram.

Fy hada fard yadik jazza wa ya-dikki keetab, kayf dahrum ketaab, whlu. Ya dikk  sonnah, dahhrum bisaffa.

Ya Hallal

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