Sunday 14 October 2012

Please can I sponsor one South african family for a bag of oranges once a week for nineteen years', can I do the same for a south african family in relation to  frozen chicken.

Can I sponsor a christian family and a catholic family with two trips per year for the continuation of twenty years to a theme park of their choice across one chosen land of residance.

Could I sponsor 10 old ladies for Qurannic and reading lessons in Algeria, with a gift set of small Qu'rranic donations', can I do the same for ten older males from Algeria.

Can I ask two muslim families to send one christian family and one catholic family a set of unwritten christmass cards', for the duration of twenty years'.

Can I sponsor a homosexual attack on a male rape victim from the irish community for a course of fun dates with one indiviual female, with the intent of a marriage, can I do the same for one female person who falls under the same catogory, who has been raped, can I supply one years worth of new clothes' on a shopping trip every month with a donation of £50 pounds' and an extra £ 20 pound for coffee, flowers and some accomodations'.

Can I promote toys from the eighties for a historic writting and some new book additions for the british and other lands n relation to reffernce sacks of historic intent, taking a 60% mergin whereby 2% goes back into all chairty lands involved.

Could islamic writters', write books on the effects of war and their families', could America write books on gauntanimo bay and the harsh treatment of inmates' to add to the documentations of hstoric refferrences' with 2% going back into the muslim and american chairty fiunds to sponsor victims of war.

Could america write books on 9/11  and muslims write books on abu garib and the effects of both parties' of victims', with another 2% going back into the chairties for the victims of war.

As these are important for historic refferences'.

Could you keep critics commentry down of offences and slang and other angry usages that might cause other eruptions' of attacks in peoples local commmunities', they are vital books for history refferrances'.

Can I suggest that the farms' be endorsed for reconstruction of modern farm living to open their hames to visitors' with a 40% to 60% intake, 60% going to the  investor.

Can I promote my faith values as a muslim, and promote islamic values', if there is any other repayments of tax rebba please remind me.

All credits of ideas must be taken through my two mahrams' one by blood tie and the other by marital tie.

Thank you.

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